• info@salesianshare.co.uk

Support SHARE

If you are interested in taking part in a sponsored event for SHARE and would like some help setting up a donation page for SHARE, we would be happy to help. Please email secretary@salesianshare.co.uk.

Maximize Your Impact: Tax-Effective Strategies for Supporting Charity

Are you aware of some of the tax benefits of giving to charity? There are a number of tax efficient ways of donating to charity. 

Gift Aid

 This is a government scheme which allows charities to reclaim 25p for every £1 donated by UK tax payers, at no additional cost to you. Learn more at https://www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/gift-aid

The Charity Aid Foundation (CAF)

The Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) facilitates a individuals and companies wanting to give more efficiently to charity. Notably including legacies and donating shares. Please get in contact with any questions or learn more at https://www.cafonline.org/#:~:text=We%20provide%20charities%20and%20social,funded%20by%20our%20generous%20donors

We are always happy to discuss alternative ways of donating money to help our causes. If you would like more information or want discuss with us further, please email treasurer@salesianshare.co.uk.

SHARE is always looking to work with corporate partners or businesses looking to give back. To discuss corporate donations, funding projects, or developing new projects with SHARE please email chair@salesianshare.co.uk.