• info@salesianshare.co.uk

The Bridges Programme

Providing support to young women leaving the safe haven of an orphanage by funding university or college education and facilitating transition into employment. The Bridges Programme is one of our key projects and deals with young women who would otherwise be placed in extremely vulnerable situations. 

The Porridge Club

We provide over 700 children with free porridge before school every day. For many this may be the only meal they receive that day. Our Porridge Club has been run for over 10 years at Luyobolola Community Primary School in Mazabuka, Zambia. 

Building Schools - "Place to Learn"

We are working with our partners in Zambia to build a new school block at Don Bosco School in Luwingu, Zambia. The three-story building is estimated to cost £70,000 and give the school much needed additional teaching space, science laboratories and toilet facilities. We hope that the project can be completed in 2024. 

The City Of Joy

The City of Joy has long-stood as a safe-haven, home and orphanage for the young people of Mazabuka, Zambia. It is run by the Salesian Sisters who provide a home, school, church and playground.

The Scholarship Programme

SHARE funds educational scholarships for young people at all stages of education – whether that be studying at schools, universities or technical colleges. We work with our partners in Zambia to identify individuals who would otherwise not be able to afford to study, or who find themselves in positions of vulnerability.

Developing Future Projects

As a charity, we are always looking for ways to expand how we can help young people in Zambia. We are working on introducing new projects to provide apprenticeships and support small businesses. If you would like to find out more or want to help us achieve this, please get in touch.